Website Maintenance: We are scheduled to perform updates to our website, January 25th, between the hours of 7PM - 11PM EST. During this time, our website will be temporary unavailable.

Casino Win/Loss Terms & Conditions

By submitting this request, I authorize Oceania Cruises Ltd. d/b/a Oceania Cruises (“Oceania”), its subsidiaries, affiliates and agents, to provide me with a Win/Loss Statement of my gaming activity derived from this account. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Oceania and its respective past and present agents, employees, managers, representatives, officers, directors, successors and affiliated persons, organizations and companies, from any and all suits, causes of actions, liabilities, costs, damages, attorney’s fees and expenses which I, or my administrators, executors, agents, assignees or any third party may have arising out of or relating to this request as a result of this request. I agree and acknowledge that the Win/Loss Statement will show only gaming activity conducted through the account, and that Oceania makes no representation, warranty, express or implied as to the accuracy of the information provided in response to the Win/Loss Statement Request or its effectiveness as proof of losses. I agree that Oceania shall not be held liable under any circumstances for the accuracy of the information or if the Win/Loss Statement is not received due to computer or technical failures or due to getting caught in a junk email filter.